Saturday, January 30, 2010

Photo Shoot

From time to time when you are feeling particularly cooperative/hammy/tolerating I like to whip out the camera for a photo shoot. On this particular day you completely stole the spotlight from the baby girl I'm babysitting. Oh well. She wasn't feeling any of those things at the moment so I switched gears.

You are kinda cute when you want to be.

I got a weird angle on this one. It sort of makes your head look like a big balloon hovering over your body. Sorry. I'll try harder...

At first I thought you were flashing me gang signs. Then I realized you were just trying to tell me to "hang loose" and I breathed a sigh of relief.

Love you, stinker.

1 comment:

  1. How adorable is Logan!!! He can really ham it up when he wants to can't he :)
