Well, your big day finally arrived. The biggest day of your life so far. This....was the day you graduated from KINDERGARTEN!
I won't even go into the whole "my baby, how does the time go so fast, when did you get so big, didn't I just have you like yesterday" thing. I didn't even think it.
Okay, that was a lie. I was totally thinking it all day long. BUT - at least I didn't cry. After all, you can't even tie your shoes yet. You're not THAT big. Right?
Anyway, here you are on your big morning, eating that breakfast of champions, Reeses Puffs. I never thought I'd be a "sugar cereal" kind of mom, but you know, things happen. You pick your battles, sigh about the ones you lose, and move on. It sure looks like you're enjoying them to me. So be it.

Here is Claire getting ready to go! Cheerios and milk, delicious.

The program. This was how I learned that you wanted to be a teacher when you grow up. A noble profession, I must say.
At least you weren't the kid who wanted to be the babysitter, or the artist.

Claire and I anxiously await the beginning of the ceremony!

Ooo! Slide show! I tried to get all the pictures they showed of you. They only have like 150 kindergarteners!

The procession!! I have to admit, when they started playing the traditional processional march that sounded like a little music box playing, I almost cried. But then I saw how excited you were and that cheered me right up!

"My Future's So Bright, I Gotta Wear Shades..."
Your class song - here you guys are "playing harmonica" - adorable!

Hee, you tried to hand the principal your diploma!
(I think he already has one.)

Back in the classroom....here is Claire, dismantling the centerpiece right behind you. Look at that "busted" expression on her face...

Geez, Dad - you could at least smile for your graduate!

Although I do sort of understand the tense face in this picture.
We take an awesome family photo, no question.

Claire enjoyed the reception. The M&M cookies were a big hit.

You had the awesome luck to be in the same class as the two other boys on our street!
What a fun first year!

Of course Grammy came.

Hilariously, you loved dressing up so much that you insisted on wearing your dressy clothes for the rest of the day. It was "to impress girls" you told me. Even when we got home, you and the other boys on the street ran around and played - you were the only one still in slacks and a button up. Sometimes you crack me up - but I'm sure all the chicks on the block were digging it.

Congratulations on your big day, baby.
I love you,
How wonderful! Congratulations, Logan!