Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Logan's Vacation - Days 3 and 4


On day 3 of your vacation with Daddy you guys all went to Six Flags and Daddy left the camera at home. While I understand his reasoning and appreciate him not putting my beloved digital SLR in harm's way, be assured this is not the way Mommy conducts herself on vacation.


Moving forward. I suppose this picture was taken on Day 4 of your vacation. I had to sort of guess which days went together by what clothes you were wearing. I'm thinking you and Andrew look like you're having a nice time together!

On Day 4 you guys all went out to Baltimore Harbor together.

The National Aquarium is in Baltimore.

What a cute picture! This is Chelsea, Allen's daughter and Grace and Andrew's half sister, Grace, Andrew and you! What a bunch of good looking kids!

At the harbor you guys got to tour a battleship.

Logan: That's me and Gracie on a cannon, next to a pirate ship!

Heave ho!

According to Daddy, this picture was taken during a little temper tantrum!

The kids with Aunt Terry.

Logan: This is the ship's battle gear.

Logan: That's me and the periscope binoculars.

Uncle Allen on the battleship. He retired from the Navy, so this isn't his first time!

Logan: The pirate ship!

Logan: crazy smile.....
Mom says: Are you sure that's a smile? It sorta looks like Andrew just threatened to toss you overboard!

Logan: Me hugging Daddy.

Logan: That's the missile.

Logan: That's the dolphin aquarium.

According to Daddy, Andrew and Logan went down to the front row to sit in the "splash zone," but quickly figured out they wouldn't be able to see from there!

Logan: The dolphin show was AWESOME.

Daddy got some good action shots!

Logan: OOO! That's a lion fish!

Logan: That's the electric eel! Cool, huh?
Mom says: I think this looks an awful lot like a moray, but hey...

Logan: I was trying to tell the news: This is the Arctic where it's really cold! (That's what I said, I think.)

Logan: The seahorses were kind of cute!

Logan: That's an angler fish eating my head!

Logan: These turtles were fighting on each other's back!
Mom says: Erm.....okay....

Logan: I saw a caiman and it looked at me! It was cool.

Logan: I really liked the sharks.

In the mouth of a megalodon!

Daddy and Aunt Terry looking cute together!


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