Sunday, November 20, 2011

It's a Pirate Fest, Matey!

In September we went to the Pirate Festival in Wentzville.  You guys were super fired up, as you can see.

But what's more exciting that a fire-breather?  Well, a fire-breather balancing on a rubber ball of course!

Anxious anticipation in the crowd....


Fire seemed to be the theme of the day.  Apparently pirates used to love having some fire around.  And honestly, who doesn't appreciate a nice roaring fire aboard the deck of a creaky wooden boat?

There was some funky hoop dancing.

And after the dancing, you guys got invited up to play games with the hoopers.  Fun!

Pirates also apparently loved a solid drum corps.  
Well.  Who doesn't??

We can't seem to pass up an opportunity to paint ourselves these days.  Claire got a cool pink and purple dragon on her arm.

And Logan got an awesome fire-breathing dragon!  
(Again with the fire?  Seriously...)

Claire even met a pirate puppy! 

There are days when I could use a set of these around the house...

And lastly, we stopped for a little fire dancing on the way out.

All this fire and dancing will make you tired.  Or maybe just hypnotized.
You are getting very sleeeepy.........

 Oops, guess the hypnosis wears off quick!

 Have I mentioned lately that I love you, 
my adorable pirate princess and my handsome pirate boy?

Well, I do.


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