Friday, January 7, 2011

Family Pictures by the Tree

It's a pretty rare occasion when we have someone around to take our picture (and I'm willing to relinquish the camera to someone else for a change!) Somehow Grammy got the job of taking our annual Christmas picture by our tree! This is always a good time, filled with tantrums, hair disasters, unfortunate facial expressions, wardrobe malfunctions, and eye-rolling and threats from me as poor Grammy stands there with the camera shooting away!

Here is the best picture of 2010!

We don't even look that dysfunctional!

Later, when Logan announced he was "sick of this!" and went to hide behind the tree, I forced Grammy into snapping more shots with just Claire and I. You would never even know that Logan is pouting behind the tree with Skip trying to talk him out again!
Gotta love a good family tradition!

Love you kids. Even when you are brats.


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