Friday, February 19, 2010

Bedtime Reader

The other day you weren't feeling well so I tucked you in bed with us. You know, because I think if a kid's going to throw up in the middle of the night they should generally have their face three inches from mine.
What I didn't expect, was when I came back from the bathroom you would be sitting there in bed reading your father's sports magazine.

And although I believe in an early introduction to literature, I quickly swapped the sports rag out for something a little more acceptable...

like the Avon catalog. See? Aren't you much happier this way?
You're welcome.


  1. Cute. Maya was reading Lorne's financial magazine the other day while trying to use the potty. What is up with these girls :)

  2. OK. That's getting her on the right track. Although I still think she will become a roller derby queen or a boxer!
