Friday, June 25, 2010

How Does Your Garden Grow?

There are lots of life lessons in gardening. To most people a bed of flowers is probably unremarkable. At most, fleetingly eye-catching. Quickly forgotten.

But to some, the ones who are in the know, a garden is a living, breathing organism. A wondrous world of color and possibility. An ever-changing realm of life and death, challenge and perseverance, potential and strength. A garden is a great place to learn, to dream, to explore...

I love my garden. I am constantly amazed by it. I walk the perimeter of it several times a day. It takes a lot of passion to memorize every bud, every bit of new growth...every nip from a bunny's teeth.


In a garden, you will learn patience...

how to be a problem-solver...

appreciation for hard work...

love of beauty and color...

A garden forces one to take things at a slower pace...

These things just don't spring up overnight, you know...
Day Lillies and Hollyhock

It may take years to accomplish the "look" you want to achieve...
Day Lilly and Monarda

A gardener knows that any one look won't last for long, though...
Day Lilly, Monarda and Dahlia

That's why it's so important to appreciate your garden, every day, for whatever special thing is happening at that particular moment...

It takes a tender hand, gentle guidance, and sometimes you have to add some firm support...
Our driveway - a work in progress for five years running

You can learn a lot about life from tending a garden.


1 comment:

  1. Your gardens are beautiful, I love seeing how they've grown and changed everytime I come to visit. I can't wait to create my own beautiful gardens, with your help of course :)
