Sunday, March 21, 2010

Memories of Montana

Fourteen years....
four states....

Seven addresses....


Another baby!!
It would be enough to wear anyone out.

But through it all, you were my playful puppy...

...whom I loved so much, I stole from my parents horrible neighbors, who had abandoned you. Then, when I had to take you back to Mom and Dad's for a visit, we disguised you with Just for Men haircolor so they wouldn't recognize you!


Now that is love.

Completely different.

Most of the time you were never far from your toys...

...or from me.
Sometimes you were my best friend.
Sometimes you felt like my only friend.

But you were always my loyal friend.

You were mine...
And then when I had children, you became theirs.

Did you find Granddaddy in heaven?

Mardi Gras 1998

You used to love a road trip. Sometimes I would stop at Sonic for a vanilla dish just for you. You were the one dog I knew who never had doggy breath, but after ice cream you smelled all vanilla-y. I loved that.

I love you so much.

Rest in peace, Tanner.
In loving memory of Montana
February 1996 - February 2010

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